3 years ago

Promo art by Melina Rivera

Honoria did not even bother to knock before flinging open the door. Spurts of orange light briefly illuminated the room in intervals as the Geissler-tube sign outside the window proclaiming “Haberdashery” flashed one letter at a time down the side of the building. It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the grey between the blazing orange bursts. Her gaze settled on the silhouette of the detective. There was only one small lamp illuminating a piece of scratch parchment atop a large, oak desk; a hand holding a nib pen stalled over an inkwell. It dropped the pen and shifted the lamp, throwing some light on the subject.
As though seizing a cue from a spotlight, the woman turned and rested her back against the doorjamb. She took her time to speak, allowing her feminine powers to be completely understood by the man behind the desk. She rested one hand to her heaving bosom and clutched a kerchief in the other. Her coat slipped purposefully off a shoulder, and she slowly swung her leg out; she smirked. If a long, drawn-out rising saxophone note could accompany that leg, it surely would.

#authors, #books, #writing, #novels, #reading, #eversteam, #steampunk, #gaslightfantasy, #fiction, #darkfantasy, #satire, #mystery, #environmentalism, #meditation, #gothichorror, #magic

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