Travel The World! Don't Wait Anymore!

2 years ago

You can travel the world, if you want to. All you have to do is commit to it and make a plan. We did!

We were living our lives like most people. Career, kids, family, sports, etc.. We always wanted to travel when we were young but chose to focus on our careers instead. All the while we had the desire to travel the world for an extended period of time. More and more time passed by and we realize either we have to travel now as there are no guarantees we will be able to do it when we retire. So in September of 2018 we left our lives behind to travel the world with our children. We have no regrets! Would you do it?
#traveltheworld #quittotravel #travelwithkids

Epidemic Sound:
I Told You So - Lvly

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