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3 years ago

Scripture Index: 2 Corinthians 5:16-19
For Christ is not here. For He has ascended up into heaven and He's seated at the right hand of God, right? Sure.
Therefore [verse 17] if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things {are} become new.
If he's in Christ and he renews his mind; to the end he renews his mind, old things pass what? Away. And all things become new.
[2 Cor 5:18] And all things are of God, who hath [past tense] reconciled [past tense] us to himself [God has reconciled us to himself] by [whom?] Jesus Christ, and hath given to us...
The ministry of what? [Reconciliation.] He has reconciled to us and he has given to us the ministry of reconciliation. Well, praise the Lord. Isn't that a tremendous ministry? You see why these summer schools are the greatest thing in the world today? Because we have this Word of God. He hath reconciled us. He hath delivered us. He hath made us to be complete. And then he's given us the ministry to help others, to be reconciled to God. What greater life could you have in this world than to have that kind of a ministry as a child of God? Isn't that tremendous?
To wit, [verse 19] that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of [what?] {Reconciliation.}
Not only do we have the ministry but we got the Word to go with it. What good is it to have a ministry; what good is it to be a minister or a pastor unless you've got the Word that sets men and women free? Isn't that something? Why sure, bless your heart.
Now then [verse 20] we are [absolutely nobodies? No. Now then] we are [what?] ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ and be you reconciled to [whom?] {God}
[2 Cor 5:21] For he [God] hath made him [Jesus] to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
We are made the righteousness of God in him. He has reconciled us, He has given to us the Word of reconciliation, He's given us the ministry of reconciliation. That's why class we do not set our eyes on things which are seen. We do not look at other people and judge our lives by other people. We look unto him who is the author and the finisher of our faith; the Lord Jesus Christ. We set our eyes on him. We put ourselves at the place where we look at him. Sure, we'd like to be clothed upon with our new body from heaven. But while we're absent from the Lord and we're here; he's given us a ministry. And people by the grace of God let's dedicate ourselves, our thinking, our actions, our life, our material things, everything we have or ever hope to be to the greatness of the ministry that God has set in our midst. My friends, I say to you, great men come into our midst and into your lives because they want to know the greatness of the power of God and take it back among their people. Let's believe God for the Ministry to move out across the nations of the world because of the power of God in your life.
What a thrilling day in a thrilling time we're having. And these things with which we're surrounded, even at the most negative situation, are nothing but light afflictions. And we {are} more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. And this is why people we ought to believe God this week to be the greatest week in our life. We ought to believe that next Sunday we'll start the greatest and most wonderful class on Power for Abundant Living we've ever had; with the people in here who really, God wants. There's only one way God's going to get them. You and me. For we have been given the ministry of what? {Reconciliation.} And he's - we've been given the Word and God is a spirit; God does not move until our people move. And our people are moving. That's why you're in here tonight. That's why you come every Sunday night. That's why some of you travel long distances. Not because I'm so good-looking, that's for sure. Or the way I comb my hair, or wear my tie, or take my coat off. You come because you know here is one place; we maybe do not know it all but we know Him who knows it all, and here is one place we hold the Word of God with the greatest ability we have. And there are men and women like you all over the nation, surely, who ought to again have the privilege of hearing that Word. And once more as we move out this week don't be afraid to talk.
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