SPECIAL PRESENTATION - Pakistan Building Project - Emmanuel Fellowship Church in Faisalabad!

2 years ago

Please like and subscribe!
Frank's Website - https://www.frjr.org/ 👍🙂💗🙏

Pray for our next project, Lord willing! A safe orphanage for the children.


TODAY'S BIBLE VERSES - Ephesians 2:19-22
So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.


A GOOD NEWS message from Frank - https://youtu.be/De7MGnmbEQU​​


Click here - https://www.frjr.org/support.htm
All support is appreciated and helps keep this going.

Cynthia N * Victoria * Sarah T * Mary M * CrashingJustice * Joe * Lori D * Debra F * Debi * Eileen D * Kathryn D * Eileen * Bree W * Anne R * Mark A * Jean B * Barry and Kara B * Sue B * Lisa C * Mary M * Kathleen D * Paula S * Lauren B * MM * Bethany-Ann * Wendybrd A * Patricia ZA * Kathy W * Bridget W * Hannah M * D Rebecca J * Jennifer * Truth Lady * Susan H * Chastity M * Cheryl F * Diane * Tammy S * Jeannie G * ForBearance * Allison M * Arthur S * Teri O * Denise L * GmanXRP * Tammy G * Nita S * Nancy L * Christy M * pjcloud2020 * Barbara B * Katherine B * Jeanie M * Janet Y * Casey U * Elaine P * Debbie P * Joan M * Jane VH * Anna G * Olivia G * Margaret O - Heather M!

PAYPAL DONATIONS during the last month!
Barbara C * Deborah E * Steve B * Lucretia W * Deborah G * Bethany-Ann B * Brian W * Marla M!

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