God's NOT Dead

3 years ago

Our God is NOT dead - Jesus Christ rose again on the third day and DEFEATED death!

Oh, death, where is your sting? Our Christ is victorious!

Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with us as Pastor Vlad brings a beautiful message about the Good News! 🙏

Sermon Notes:

Genesis 45:26-27

Resurrection is God’s “AMEN” to Christ’s statement, “IT IS FINISHED.”

The Resurrection of Jesus- A sign for unbelievers- The answer for the believer's doubt- Guarantee that Jesus' teachings are true- The center of the gospel itself- The key indication of the believer's daily power to live the Christian life- The reason for the total commitment of our lives- The resurrection even addresses the fear of death - This event is a model of the Christian's resurrection from the dead

1. The good news revives the spirit and relocates you
Genesis 45:26-27
“Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous” Albert Einstein.

2. Vehicle is provided for the journey The Holy Spirit is God’s chariot.

3. Provision is given for the journey (Genesis 45:21-23)
Kingdom of Jesus is “already but not yet.”
We are refined by our suffering but we are defined by His suffering.

4. Take your people & possessions with you.


0:00 Intro
5:03 The good news revives the spirit and relocates you.
13:49 Vehicle is provided for the journey.
22:49 Provision is given for the journey.
31:58 Take your people and possessions with you.
35:45 Prayer

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#Easter​ #ResurrectionSunday​ #Jesus​ #GoodNews​ #OnlineChurch​ #ChurchOnline

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