Whistleblowe Pie Episode #2 02/15/2020

2 years ago

Tonight's guests, April Scarlett and Ron Gillis

Imagine if you will being evicted at gunpoint and being physically abused, when you had no mortgage on your home by a BAR attorney proclaiming to be the trustee of a dissolved and defunct shell CORP by BAD ACTORS with no names/uniforms/badges,
On this episode you will hear about documents used in court cases and by law enforcement to take people from their home, separate them from their personal belongings and property and steal title to their real estate from them.

This piece of the pie is about Ron Gillis and his wife Deb. T. who both ran for public office and gathered over 30% of the votes. Listen as Ron describes attorneys filing 3 different versions of a mortgage and how a copy of a contract is also a copy of nothing of value, try using a copy of a dollar bill and see how fast you are arrested.
Ron details the facts of wet ink signatures required and how a notary assists in stealing properties. Ron continues to remind others,Title CANNOT pass by fraud.
We will also hear a story of April, a woman who had multiple parties claiming she owed them a mortgage and, hear how a devastating fire could have taken her sons life and how egregiously her and her son were legally, physically and emotionally abused at gun point.
Both Ron and April will be naming names, showing documents and sharing how their cases are worth hundreds of millions of dollars in fees, fines, settlements and indictments for the criminals, and the criminals are not just attorneys, they are public servants too.

Remember be prepared, stay vigilant, and keep up your health...


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