Breaking off STRONGHOLDS in your life! - Jacob Ochoa

3 years ago

Breaking off STRONGHOLDS in your life!

Jacob Ochoa shares a fire word about breaking down the strongholds in your life.

Rom. 7:4, II Tim. 1:7

1. There is a war for your mind
Rom. 7:23

Stronghold: a place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld; a place that has been fortified so as to protect it against attack.

Strongholds are fortresses the devil builds in your mind to keep you in cycles and patterns of sin and wrong thinking that leave us in captivity.

II Cor. 10:4-5

Our battle is not in the physical but in the spiritual.

Believing satan’s lies is what establishes strongholds.
The longer you believe in the strongholds, the bigger and more powerful they become.

Take every thought into captivity.
The more you think about things, the more worried you get.
Get your thoughts under control.

2. Where you sow is where you will reap (Rom. 12:2)

When you sow the truths of God - prayer, fasting, worship - into the mind you will reap transformation.

If you don’t build your life on the truths of the word of God, strongholds will be built inside your mind.

Don’t expect God’s power and fruits to manifest when you copy and think like the world.

Eph. 4:22-23

We can’t be set free from a stronghold if we don’t know the truth.

What you fill your mind with determines your desires & thoughts, desires and thoughts determine your actions, actions determine your habits, habits create your life.

I Thes. 5:23
- This is the will of God for our lives
- Completely whole

#Strongholds #BreakStrongholds #Dominion #Breakthrough #Freedom #Liberty

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