BLM Activist Attempts To ASSASSINATE Democrat Mayoral Candidate

2 years ago

I just wanted to talk about the assassination attempt that was made the other day, the coincidence of this happening just after the new damning information of the Durham report, and the possibility of it being used as a distraction from the Durham report, or if it's just their voter base turning on them. Political assassinations, regardless of political party, are not a good thing regardless, and it's a scary direction we're heading. Now it's nothing new in politics, assassinations and attempts happen all the time, maybe not daily of course, but they happen. It's just something to take note of and see how the media is framing it by omitting the fact he's a BLM activist.

I'm sorry for no uploads so far this week. I've been severely ill for a few days... I wanted to get up, regardless of feeling awful, and get a video recorded.

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