Trudeau: The witless man knows who knows everything in the echo chamber where he lives

3 years ago

Radical leftists are nothing but political prostitutes and liars since they know full well that they require the permission of those whom they govern to use the maximum force of the state to steal from the governed. The ruling elite do so under the false pretence of having compassion for the downtrodden while also claiming to represent the citizen they're stealing from. In this the elite have created an unreconcilable and false dichotomy. What this might properly be called is an illegal protection racket. It is organized crime aimed at robbing the citizen in plain view while claiming that this thievery is for our own good even as they label us as racists, bigots, and homophobes!
In a podcast entitled, “He fooled us all and he will do it again” clinical psychologist Dr. Jordan B Peterson refers to the Prime Minister as a master of lies. Although I am rue to disagree with a man as learned and careful as Peterson, I do disagree. I was never fooled and found his lies revolting long before he became PM. Nevertheless, I have pasted the link to Dr Peterson’s assessment of the narcissistic psychopath who currently substitutes for our PM in the notes attached to this podcast.

'Haavamaal' is an Old Norse poem, which can be traced back to the 13th century.
'Haavamaal' consists of several smaller poems and its verses are attributed to Odin, which are referred to as the sayings of the High One. It is regarded as one of the most important sources of Old Norse philosophy, from the old age to now and was written in the ancient Norse language in Iceland which has changed but little even today. Modern Norwegian is much easier for an English speaker to learn (which is the ONLY reason I could learn to speak and write Norwegian.
From Haavamaal:
26. An ignorant man | thinks that all he knows,
When he sits by himself in a corner;
But never what answer | to make he knows,
When others with questions come.
27. A witless man, | when he meets with men,
Had best in silence abide;
For no one shall find | that nothing he knows,
If his mouth is not open too much.
(But a man knows not, | if nothing he knows,
When his mouth has been open too much.)
28. Wise shall he seem | who well can question,
And also answer well;
Nought is concealed | that men may say
Among the sons of men.
29. Often he speaks | who never is still
With words that win no faith;
The babbling tongue, | if a bridle it find not,
Oft for itself sings ill.
30. In mockery no one | a man shall hold,
Although he fares to the feast;
Wise seems one oft, | if nought he is asked,
And safely he sits dry-skinned there.

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