2 years ago

The Ultimate Deception: Bible changes, CERN & The Mandela Effect

When that Man of Evil comes, it will be the work of Satan. He will come with great power, and he will do all kinds of false miracles, signs, and wonders. 2 Thessalonians 2:9. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie 2 Thessalonians 2:11.

The Ultimate Deception: Bible changes, CERN & The Mandela Effect

The great deception is upon us. Satan-CERN & the Bible- Pray to our father to seal the word of God in your heart and mind. I will share this with you my friends, back in 2012-2016 while reading the bible I witnessed words changing in the bible before my eyes, it was demonic. No printed word was safe. Our father showed me many horrors that were going to take place. Our father now wants me to share this for the deception and demonic forces are upon us. Churches today have fallen, most were already infiltrated by the Jesuits long ago. Pray directly to our father.
1969: 'The old religions will have to go; changing the Bible through the revision of key words', Dr. Richard Day (Planned Parenthood) lecture.
Transcript of Dr. Lawrence Dunegan’s taped reminiscences of off-the-record remarks by Illuminati Insider, Dr. Richard Day, 20 March 1969
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