We Are The Hill

2 years ago

It’s a hell of time to feel like being a tracker
You can only track what you can see
A machine might get you further
Than footprints in a forest
A nose can smell the trouble on the way

It’s a hell of a time to feel like being a human
Gender’s not the only “trans” for me
Maybe you started as a One
Being human’s kinda fun
I’ll sign you up and make sure that it’s done

It’s a hell of a time to feel like being programmed
Part of you will know just what to do
The rest of its a buffer
In case you want to suffer
The indignity of eternity

It’s a hell of a time to feel like being social
A thousand likes will be our eulogy
Unless the bugs are fixed
Unless we break some sticks
And leave some footprints in the fucking ground

It’s a hell of time to feel like being a trucker
The freedom that you seek is up that hill. Or is it?
You‘ll know it when you’re in it
You’ll smell it. Best remember it
I’m glad to see your footprints
I’m glad to hear your footprints
I’m glad it’s us. It’s always us
We are the hill

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