how to feed puppy

3 years ago

Whenever possible, puppies should be nursed and raised by their mothers. There are times, however, when bottle feeding puppies becomes necessary (such as when a pup is orphaned). But bottle feeding the wrong thing, the wrong way, the wrong amount or on the wrong schedule can lead to illness or even death. Here is how to bottle feed puppies:

Milk replacers designed specifically for puppies is the best alternative to mother’s milk. You’ll also need several pet nurser bottles as well as a variety of nipples.
Reconstitute powdered milk replacer per label instructions or use a premixed variety.
Warm the bottle by placing it in a cup of hot water until the milk reaches body temperature.
Test the nipple before every feeding to ensure that milk only drips from the opening.
Puppies are best fed in a belly-down position. Place the pup on your lap or on a towel on a table and insert the nipple into their mouth. Tip the bottle so that any air inside stays away from the nipple.
Continue feeding until the puppy’s suckling stops or slows dramatically. Put a finger against the puppy’s throat to feel if they are still swallowing.
Newborn puppies need to eat every 2 to 3 hours, but as long as they get four to five full-sized meals in the course of the day, nighttime feedings are generally not necessary.
A 2 to 4-week-old puppy feeding schedule should consist of feedings every 6 to 8 hours.
Young puppies must be stimulated to urinate and defecate. Wipe the area around the anus and penis or vulva with a warm, wet washcloth after every feeding.

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