Another attempt to retrieve my documents given to crooked English solicitor without my consent

2 years ago

The evil Gedye & Sons solicitor/joint owner also had Youtube (Google) remove this video. Youtube helped to cover up for an abuser, fraudster and perjurer as they have previously done many times by removing 7 out of 9 related Google reviews without any justification, notification, warning or responding to my many requests for an explanation.

Yet again the City of London Police were called on me here, which I was counting on because I wanted to ask them if they would ask the deeply crooked Cumbrian law firm Gedye & Sons to return my papers to me. The police that came three days earlier tried to speak to them but none of them were around. Unfortunately for me this lot (six of them) were hostile and completely prejudiced. They were deceitful and never listened to me at all even though they said they would.

They took every lie told them by the Argyll Club building manager as the truth. They didn't help or sympathise with me at all. Very much racist not far beneath the surface. At the end when I asked their arrogant spokesman if he could ask the firm to give me my documents, he aggressively retorted “I’m not gonna get involved in a dispute you have with them.” Not long before that I had asked him “When have the police ever helped me? So he was confirming that by his unhelpful response. Yet he was supporting the lying manager who gave them my documents without ever contacting me like I was told he would and then refused to retrieve them for me when I asked him many times.

One of them was even trying to tell me racism did not exist. And why did SIX police arrive to deal with one middle aged black man? This video was made in February 2020. This is now the 16th Feb 2022 and the crooked, racist solicitor still has my documents thanks to corrupt City of London police and Argyll Club managers. Even in August 2018 I visited a City of London Police station to report the Gedye & Sons solicitor/owner abusing and defrauding me in that building. Although they helped me by admitting that he carried out a fraud on me when he coerced me into signing a fraudulent document, they also fobbed me off by giving me an “Action Fraud” phone number to call. This call centre was notorious for doing NOTHING to help any victims of fraud. An undercover reporter got a job working there and recorded the police officer training new recruits telling them that no reports ever reach investigation stage. So “Action Fraud” was itself a fraud which has now been shut down having been exposed. And it was run by the City of London Police. What I have found over eight terrible years of suffering and struggle is that the British police are not there to help me at all but to oppose my battle for justice and redress and support corrupt solicitors and companies. Cumbria Police are the worst I have encountered and supported the crooked Cumbrian solicitors 100%. They and their complaints department are seriously abusive and corrupt! Essex Police also tried to have me, a suffering victim, prosecuted for “racially aggravated harassment” at the request of my so called “brother”, who is himself a British Transport Police officer. He is the devil who has caused me all this trouble because he wanted to remove me and our uncle as executors so that he could be the only executor! He and his English solicitor sister in law are the ones who set this evil probate solicitor on me!

Yet when I complained to his employers British Transport Police about him they refused to even record my complaint against him! To add insult to yet more injury, the corrupt and abusive so called "Independent" Police Complaints Commission insultingly declared that I had tried to "misuse and manipulate the British Police Complaints System" when they rejected my appeal. They use that insulting and false excuse to dismiss many appeals.

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