Trudeau Declares Martial Law for Canada, 3792

2 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup du Canada.

So yesterday, Canada’s snippy little black-face, frat-boy Prime Minister declared a state of national emergency due to his gross mishandling of the COVID pandemic. But the natural response should be for him to immediately resign as PM and let an adult take the wheel, such as this gentleman.

Even far-left, late-night comedians are now equating the junior Trudeau’s latest martial law decree as an act akin to a Nazi dictum.

So here was junior’s little martial law speech.

But as Tucker last night pointed out, does this look like a national emergency on the streets of the nation’s capital?

Hardly. So, what should be the trucker’s response to this nonsense? Well, I have what is a very controversial suggestion – one that God put into my head this morning as I was trying to get out of bed.

Go home. This is the right thing to do. It’s the noble thing to do. Do not give this petty dictator anything to hang his hat on. Don’t worry, the voters, or even his fellow parliamentarians will take care of him from here on. If you want to fight him from this point, it will only accrue to his benefit.

In kinetic warfare it is called a strategic retreat – not because you are weak – no, because you are strong and don’t need to prove it. This twerpy self-agrandized little politician does not deserve a singly one of you to lose his rig, and his livelihood. Go back to work. You have done your job. You are riding high in the polls. Bank that popularity for future use.

Let him twist, twist slowly in the wind from here on. You could crush him if you wanted to, but then in the eyes of about one-half of the world, you would come out looking like the bad guys.

But, when you can turn away from the final fight and leave it to your hirelings – the politicians – you prove your nobility. The citizen farmer returning from the revolution to go back to making your country work again.

You should only dirty your hands with this sort of evil when no one else will do the job. None of you need to sacrifice your family fortunes on completely routing this weasel. Dust off your hands and get back to work.

In a month – once this Nazi-esque dictum runs it course, then decide if you are needed at the frontline once again. The way God showed it to me was a beating heart. You are the beating heart of Canada and your power will be twice as much if applied a second time.

Oh oh, here they come again, we’d better take some appeasing action to head this thing off . Now that’s power – when it does not have to be fully flexed to have the same effect.

I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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