Sara Mauskopf on Daycare Marketplace Startup Winnie

2 years ago

Sara Mauskopf is the CEO and co-founder of Winnie, a marketplace for child care built on powerful data systems and backed by a trusted community of parents and providers.

Parents use Winnie to research and uncover high-quality daycares and preschools in their geography with detailed information about licensing, tuition, and photos. Sara started Winnie in early 2016 after she experienced the frustration of researching daycares first-hand as a new mom.

She has called upon her experience in product management at Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Postmates to catapult Winnie to success.

In this episode, Sara and Aaron discuss the origins of the company, the evolving market for daycare, and the business model behind the platform.


00:00 Introduction
01:27 What does Winnie do?
02:53 What is the Analogy for Winnie
03:58 Life Cycle of Winnie
06:07 Where does Winnie get its traffic?
07:18 Issues and challenges that Winnie faces
09:05 How do they sell their services?
11:32 How Covid Pandemic changes Day Care Centers?
13:13 Particular challenge that Day Care Center is facing right now
19:41 Amazing things about Child Care
21:27 Similarities of BNB and Winnie
23:36 Business Model of Winnie
25:52 Winnie's value-added services
27:00 Who is Sara Mauskopf before Winnie?
35:0 Sara Talks About Opensea NFT
38:03 Sara Mauskopf's message to the audience

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