NEW YORKERS Demand equal rights at National Archive federal building 14th Feb

2 years ago

The Museum of the American Indian is 'Federal property' meaning it is policed internally by Homeland Security and assisted by wannabes. The Homeland cop was on our side against the mandates. Ninety minutes and three NYPD cop cars later....

The covid matrix is fucking up the minds of so many. Here you can see that the removal of peaceful activists comes down to hands (almost) touching us and physically moving us out of doors. In a few weeks (or days) mandates and regulations will be declared null and void. The same group of patrons and activists you see in the video will be able to co-mingle without suggestions or demands of the State to see the medical status of every customer. Those stuck in the matrix will happily wait until midnight of the day they the mandates end to SURRENDER TO REALITY.

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