Air Service Incentives...Let's Stop Wasting Money

2 years ago

Air service incentives are a waste without professional business-case analyses.

The public, politicians, and civic leaders are often completely unaware of the economic realities of air transportation and of emerging consumer communication dynamics. Too often the goal is defined only as “more service” or just “scheduled flights” – with no discussion of how it will be a communication channel that delivers specific, defined benefits.

Here’s the direction of this week’s Aviation Unscripted video. Financial incentives for “commercial service” or “more flights” are a business transaction. Specifics on what is intended, what the service will accomplish, whether the consumer has better options, and whether the proposed incentives will deliver viable air access, should be clear and defined before any checks are written. Typically, that is not the case.

In this week’s Unscripted we spend just 7 minutes outlining how the approach to air service incentives must change. Invest the time to hear a different perspective - click on and join us. And let us know your thoughts. We’re posing questions that challenge the consensus.
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