7-day (7/7 finale) to stress free-beautiful mind & relaxing music to peace love & total healing放松音乐

3 years ago

Voila you are here. Take a moment to thank yourself for taking the 7-day journal to a stress free life. Your have released the power to let go of anxiety and just be happy. Listen to the compiled finale of the previous 6 tracks for a total healing experience. Enjoy these relaxing music and beautiful images to renew your mind and deepen your love for life. Keep well and see you in the next series. 七天放飞自我。你可以从今天改变自己,爱自己,也更加热爱生活。你可以开启对生活的激情,忘记那些生活带来的压力,百忙之中稍停片刻,来观赏美丽的鲜花, 轻松的走走优雅小径,感受太阳的微暖,拥抱大地的辽阔。你能够开启对生活的激情,这样你才可以传播更多的爱给他/她人。七天轻松音乐

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