Shri Krishna's #1 Success Lesson From MAHABHARAT to Achieve Your Goals - Swami Mukundananda

2 years ago

Shri Krishna's #1 Success Lesson From MAHABHARAT to Achieve Your Goals - Swami Mukundananda

Shri Krishna's #1 Success Lesson From MAHABHARAT to Achieve Your Goals in Life - Swami Mukundananda

📱 In this video, Swami Mukundananda explains the importance of sacrifice to achieve big goal in life.
Sacrifice is an essential virtue. We make a lot of sacrifices in life. For example, Parents make sacrifices in their life to raise their children, and some people dedicate their lives to help the needy, etc. Shri Krishna share's the #1 success lesson which is one must be ready to sacrifice in life if he/she wants to achieve anything meaningful in life.

When we perform a sacrifice with a pure intent, it purifies our mind. Sacrifice also help us detach ourselves from material possessions in life. It is a form of love we express towards God for what he has provided to us.

Action item: Think about the ways you can be more selfless in your life. When you are doing any austerities in life or any charity, what is the consciousness in which you do it? Are your sacrifices making you humble? Make a firm resolve to develop this virtue of selflessness in life. It will attract divine grace

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