Jane Marla Robbins actress-author

2 years ago

What a great delight it is to welcome back as our 2nd guest, a real people person,
the fabulous actress-author Jane Marla Robbins, who always inspires us.

As an actress, you have many good credits we'll get to....but let's first talk about
your success in the publishing world.

About two years ago, almost at the start of this crazy virus marathon, you came
out with a remarkable book,"Poems of Covid-19: In Lockdown the First Three
Months"--and the book keeps selling....how do you figure it?  In your honest
opinion, do you feel people are going out again, getting to know each other in
so many good ways...Do you feel job interviews are happening again?  On
a personal level, are you getting back to things normal as far as going  out
to special events and dining in doors or outdoors at restaurants in the Los
Angeles area you live in?  Have we learned a lot about ourselves in this crisis?

Perhaps,in the course of this interview, you can recite one or two of your poems
in your book,"Poems of Covid 19"...we'd appreciate it...

As for one of your other well-known books, the one dealing  what it's like to follow
the lifestyles of showbiz folks, have you found people enjoying themselves more
by doing so?  What tips do you have for people hearing about this concept for
the first time?

You're such a great dog lover...how many books have you written about dogs?
And what are the secrets of really getting along with man's best friend?

And what about your future plans in the world of book-publishing? And where
can we purchase your books?

Let's get back to your great career in showbiz.  Since you grew up in New York,
is that where your theatrical career started?  If so, where exactly?  Was it first
on the stage and then motion pictures in Hollywood?  Fill us in...tell us about
your "Rocky" film series...and other highlights in your theatrical career...

Oh, we can talk with you for hours and hours...but I want to know about what
it's like being a life coach,,,exactly what does a life coach do?

We've go to have you back soon again, Jane Marla Robbins...you are such a
delight and you truly help people in so many ways...God bless you!

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