David Adair Psychic Reading Secret Space Program (SSP) UFO/UAP German/Nazi technology

2 years ago

David Adair can be found on Cosmic Disclosure as well as other interviews online featuring his story as a rocket building hobby turned into SSP (secret space program). He mentions working with Germans from the Project Paperclip Nazi science within an area 51 underground base. He speaks of working with flying saucers that are somewhat alive in nature and have a mind of their own similar to AI.

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Here are my notes:
Does not want to be seen and has power/ability make news team leave him alone.
He has power within secret government. However, guard dog barks in his face - he must pay with jewelry etc for access to something behind the curtain. He chuckles nervously and smiles with a confidence while still appearing sheepish in his demeanor.
Screen pulls back and he sees the white house and all the secret info on screen. This is his entertainment. He has special rights, but it's only within his little box that he has access to. It is highly regulated but he gets special treatment.
He indulges in eating popcorn while watching epic movie about secret military strategies. He doesn't want to accept his limit of information but learns to. He does not like being a normie and can get depressed going back into normal society. He may feel a little bitterness about this which powers his authoritative role in getting in the spot light. He enjoys the stardom but when the lights go out after a couple weeks from being on a show he is longing for more. There is a sense of individuality and loneliness involved in this process.
I see his next step is to give up this American dream he is chasing and embrace the things "back home" so to speak and open his heart to things he is more so culturally rooted in. I see this being easy and finding instant love and connection when he looks in the right direction.
I get that his path in the media is all self interest and he is not being paid by anyone, although there is pressure on him to play a certain role. There are things he can not talk about. There is some cleverness here that is information that glorifies himself and his story while simultaneously satisfying the men in black who can not allow everything to be told.
He seems nervous and sad and unable to express himself. He isn't good at acting and is either his honest self or is completely shut down, so keeping a lot of info to himself causes mild depression. Sharing this info makes him ecstatic like a puppy seeing his owner walk into the room. His excitement may cause a heart felt glorification of the information and make the stories even more compelling. There could be some speculation in his stories here inspired by his excitement.
Writing note to secret government people saying what he is going to say to public and he has power to do so but has to also follow some form of conduct. What he is doing is exorcising his power and going out on a limb so to speak. He is telling more than the secret government may want him to, but he is also in agreement with them and they have to allow him to do so, reluctantly. He is giddy going on shows and making himself known and seen in the spotlight. He is happy being a guest and doesn't have ambitions to make a show of his own or to become some sort of guru, he just wants to have a good ol' time telling people this. It looks like a celebration, he is having a great time doing this.
He is no longer in the loop with the secret government directly, but has connections with insider information regardless. His privileged spot within the secret government is no longer valid.
He may have heart problems due to a indulgent lifestyle of food. I see him indulging in food in order to cope when the excitement comes down and he starts to feel the heaviness of the world around him bringing him down. It's like he is on cloud nine and then he comes crashing down and can go through spouts of depression.
.He seems like an honest man.

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