mRNA Vaxxes Increases Heart Attack Risks - Researchers Silenced

2 years ago

The massive censorship imposed at the start of the Covid-19 'pandemic' continues today. The power structure of Big Pharma, corrupt politicians and national health agencies around the world, such as the CDC, NIH, FDA, NHS (England), etc. is powerful enough to intimidate too many into keeping the truth of what they are seeing to themselves.

Evidence from around the world clearly shows the PCR 'tests' are incapable of diagnosing anything and have been rigged to give 97% or higher false positives. Add the lie that asymptomatic people can spread disease and fear goes through the roof, making it quite easy to control and manipulate the truth.

Even Dr. Christian Drosten, who 'invented' the Covid PCR test in January 2020, know it is a fraud. In 2014, he testified the PCR is extremely unreliable and can't even tell the difference between living and dead viruses.

Doctors and scientists around the world know the truth, but they are controlled by the health agencies and medical boards in their countries. They are threatened with losing their jobs, losing their licenses, losing future research grants and even imprisonment, so they choose to remain silent... even knowing their silence is condemning others to death.

Some do attempt to get the truth published, such as the growing number of heart problems in all age groups in those who were vaccinated. Sadly, even the medical journals collapse in the face of powerful intimidation or greed at promises of huge donations from Big Pharma.

One such study, "Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning", was quickly attacked and denigrated, so that others would ignore it. And so, the people of the world remain uninformed as they or their loved ones take the jabs, unaware of the dangers until the heart attacks or other health problems appear out of nowhere.

As the video explains, even those who can corroborate the study remain silent out of fear.

Personally, I believe those who put their jobs and licenses before the lives and health of the people who trust them, are as guilty as those forcing these dangerous jabs or silencing those who can reveal the truth.

John 15:13 - Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

The CDC/FDA has known for 17 months the dangers of the jabs, but have been hiding it all along. They knew and had a long list TWO MONTHS BEFORE the jabs went public:

You can learn more about the corruption surrounding the PCR 'test':

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