FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 14 = Chapter 5, Part A: The HIV Heresies (THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by RFK, Jr.)

2 years ago

I know you’re busy, so I am going to help summarize this book for you in easy 3-minute segments. Find them on TikTok —>> fatesabitch91

“Settled Science” is an oxymoron - because the goal of science is to continue to ask questions and to be able to stand up to questioning.

“Consensus” may be an admirable political objective, but it is the ENEMY of science and truth - because for truth, you MUST HAVE competing questions and ideologies, even if they are unpopular or uncomfortable.

Over the course of 40 years our Lord of the Ouchie had engineered consensus (and blind obedience) on INCOMPLETE THEORIES, which then have had any dissent ruthlessly suppressed.

BOOK, Page 179: For example, did you know that Dr. Peter Duesberg hypothesized that HIV might not be the only cause of AIDS (mind-blown).

You can easily go to Wikipedia and see that if you don’t believe what our “trusted experts” have told you to believe, that you are labeled a “Denier”.

However, if you really care about people and want them to get well and avoid disease, it would be wise to listen to competing theories that may hold more effective answers than the 40+ years and BILLIONS of dollars that have been spent to find a vaccine for HIV that have NEVER been found to be effective.

BOOK, Page 181: In 1983 a French virologist, Luc Montagnier, first identified a RETROVIRUS (SAVE THIS FOR LATER) that would later be called HIV.

An ambitious scientist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Robert Gallo, later went on to claim this discovery as his, with devastating consequences as you will see as we go through this chapter.

The claim and “proof” that AIDS was a virus, instead of because of toxic exposures, was what laid the foundation stone for Fauci’s career.

BOOK, Page 181: “This claim allowed Dr. Fauci to capture the AIDS program and its attendant cash flows from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and launch to project of building NIAID into the world’s leading drug-production empire.

We will continue this chapter in the next installment.

So far part of Chapter 1 and Chapter 4 have been taken down, along with my explanation of our FDA-approved pokes with some scary true statistics, so be sure to check them out on Rumble, Substack, GAB, and Telegram!

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