10 Questions For Vegans: Answered by Dr. Bob

2 years ago

BLOG: https://blog.watershed.net/2018/09/08/10-questions-for-vegans/

Some on Quora asked: How long will it take to recover from veganism? Louis answered with this questions for vegans.

Where do you get your protein?
Spirulina and chlorella.
What about plants and their feelings?
Plant don’t have feelings. They’re plants. You eat them. You don’t really think they have feelings, do you? No, you were just joking. Genesis 1:29
Where do you get your B12?
Spirulina and chlorella. Just had my blood work done. My B12 was excellent. B6 was off the charts. Where are your B-vitamin numbers?
What do we do with all the freed animals? Won’t we be overrun?
I am not for freeing them. Just don’t want to eat them. Yeah, sure, we’d be overrun. If you say so.
What about the circle of life?
It’s been working pretty well for thousands of years. And – it’s round as far as I know.
What happens when you get stuck on a desert island and there’s only meat to eat?
Then I will eat meat. Veganism is not a suicide pact. It’s just a healthier way to eat. Ps: Humans are more important than animals.
Did you know Hitler was vegan?
He was a vegetarian, not a vegan. And your point? Did you know Stalin was not a vegan, nor was Mao Zedong? They murdered 80,000,000 between the 2 of them. Was there a correlation you were trying to make with the Hitler was a vegan question? BTW, do you even know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian? I would imagine you ought to since you seem to not like vegans and you have a penchant for comparing them to murderous dictators.
The Bible says you should eat meat! What are you : a “commie” or gasp … an atheist?
I am none of those. Where does it say to eat meat exactly? Not sure I’ve ever come across those verses. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” Genesis 1:29. Seems pretty clear to me
Why are vegans so sanctimonious and obnoxious?
I am not sanctimonious, but I can definitely be obnoxious. But that’s not because I’m a vegan. I just become an obnoxious person when someone is asking stupid questions, kind of like you’re doing here.
Do you know vegans are weak and have inferior brains to?
I am 61 and run a 6 minute mile and can bench 185lb. Sorry, that’s not weak. Thinking you’re smarter than someone because you eat different foods than they do is weak – really weak. Inferior brains? I’m not the one asking all the completely ridiculous questions and expecting to get straight answers. So who’s got the inferior brain here? Maybe it’s all the meat you’re eating. You might want to consider cutting back a little. It’s making you do dumb things like asking stupid questions that are really meant to troll and have a laugh at someone else’s expense.

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