Valentine's Day Call to Action...Hilo Represents!

3 years ago

Hawai'i is not only under an illegal occupation by the United States since 1883 but also under a repressive medical tyranny since 2020. Generally, Residents can't buy food to feed our families or go anywhere without the medical intervention of absurd mask wearing and in some cases, cannot work or go to school without vaccine papers which has wreaked havoc in our profoundly divided community. Only 167 people have died from dakine bug in the past two years, there has never been a pandemic and the unlawful ,alleged "State of Emergency" must end now. Patriots came together today to insure that the rule of law return. In solidarity with thousands of other people across the United States, we presented Dr. David Martin's Fauci/Covid Dossier to our Prosecuting Attorney, as irrefutable evidence of crimes against Humanity occurring on his watch. We'll see what he does and act accordingly. Freedom, Justice and Aloha will be restored. Filmed by Shawn Dearing, Michelle Melendez, Deanna Wentworth and Jane Jin. For more info visit, and

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