3 years ago

Ninety five percent of our day we live on auto pilot without being aware or conscious about our behaviors, our words, our feelings, our thoughts and we continue to repeat over and over the same experiences as we are constantly creating the reality with those behaviors, words, thoughts and feelings. Just like a broken record.

Taking full responsibility for our life can be scary because we are faced with our own consequences and the results we have in every aspect of one’s life. Rather than to blame others for the results we have or to give the responsibility of our life to everyone else (and continue to live like little children), we realize that by owning our results and what’s going on in our life we have the possibility to transform anything or everything that isn’t going the way we want.

What would you like to transform in your life?

What has become challenging that you continue to experience?

My biggest challenge were relationships and today my experiences have completely transformed because I wanted different experiences and I decided to own the full responsibility of my life and that’s how PSYCH-K®️ came into my life.

If you are fed up with the results you get in any aspect of your life and are ready to fully own the responsibility of your life, I am sponsoring a 3 day workshop where you can learn how to use this process in order to transform perceptions or beliefs that have you repeating behaviors, thoughts feelings or words or if you’d like to book a call to have a session, visit my website .

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