It's War - The Globalist Have Made Their Move

2 years ago

Too many people are either dancing around the issue or not discussing this at all. The first thing you need to know is the Globalist are the puppet masters who pull all of the strings and who have spent the last 60+ years strategizing how to take-over America and the world to create a One World Government. America is the KEY.

I'm doing a straight forward video to discuss what the world is facing and what's to come if we citizens of the world do not unite in the many millions and take a stand against the Globalist and our bought out governments who are trying to bring in Communism to move forward with a One World Government.

To be clear, the Globalist's One World Government in it's purest form is WORLD DOMINATION! It's the enslaving of the citizens of the world!

Watch the video to get an overview of what's going on. This topic of the Globalists World Domination plan has many tentacles to it, there are many parts to it and many pieces to it. All I'm doing here is showing you how serious this is and how the Globalist have made their move and are full speed ahead to enslave us citizens! WE MUST UNITE AND RISE UP AGAINST IT! (I am not recommending or suggesting getting violent at this time.)

In the video I show numerous parts to different pages. Here are links to those pages:

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I've been deeply studying politics and the Globalists One World Gov't plan since 2008 and have a lot of knowledge on this topic which has MANY tentacles to it.

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