#270: What's Next From the Covid Fraudsters?—James Perloff

3 years ago

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James Perloff writes books about hidden history and how to spot Grand Narratives that are being packaged and sold to the masses. Covid-19 and the Agenda to Come: Red Pilled is his latest. The former journalist for The New American sits down to talk about the multiverse of lies surrounding Covid, and what is around the corner from the oligarchs.


👉The pre-planning that went into this fake catastrophe
👉The true death rate from Covid
👉Why the lockdowns have failed and masks don't work
👉What's behind the war on Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin
👉Reasons why no one needs the “vaccine” and why it's not a true
👉The Deep State goals in place for Covid
👉How manipulative fear was manufactured on a global scale
👉Our contract racing is related to the surveillance state
👉Possible scenarios in the Covid pipeline


👉Covid-19 and the Agenda to Come: Red Pilled by James Perloff
👉Perloff’s website: http://www.jamesperloff.net
👉The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin.
👉Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World In Our Time Carroll Quigley

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