That Time The CIA Tested A Psychic

3 years ago

New series! FOIA Files will cover strange projects, research, and events that the CIA, FBI, and other agencies have worked on. Through the Freedom of Information Act, we've been able to obtain declassified documents provided. Below are timestamps for this particular subject as well as a link leading to the pdf itself. It's said that you can find the audio recordings of the session online somewhere. Haven't attempted to look ourselves!

Intro - 00:00
Freedom of Information Act - 00:12
Project Stargate - 00:48
Speculation of Project Stargate - 01:22
Overview of Session with Psychic - 01:51
Parameters of Session - 02:28
Transcript of Session - 03:06
The Twist of The Session - 20:31
Outro - 22:30

Link to the document:

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