Pigs Boiled Alive

3 years ago

In 2013, a farmer from West Yorkshire, England, was fined £4,000 for boiling a pregnant sow alive. He had been told by a vet that the sow was ill and needed to be put down. The farmer, who had worked with pigs for more than 40 years, couldn't bring himself to kill the sow and decided to put her in a pen and give her water and food. But when he returned to check on her, he found that she had died and was already in rigor mortis. When he went to the pen to retrieve her body, he found that she had been boiled alive. Pigs boiled alive is a phrase that will forever be associated with animal cruelty. It is hard to imagine how such a painful death could happen in this day and age. It is also hard to understand how anyone could stand by and watch such a thing happen. This article is a wake-up call for all animal lovers and anyone who cares about farm animals. If you love animals, please sign the petition against boiling pigs alive.

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