This is abuse, not love. At some point this child will be bitten and the dog will be blamed.

3 years ago

I don't normally share these types of videos, but it truly hurts my heart.... A bite will happen, it's only a matter of time. And then what about the dog? Rehome? Bla bla bla - the behavior of the child, the ignorance of the owner are a death sentence for the dog. Ever tried rehoming a large breed dog that "bit a child" - darn near impossible.

We get these calls daily and they go like this:

Client "I just don't get it, they loved each other"
Trainer "they never loved each other like you think, your dog simply tolerated the annoying behavior of your child until it was too much to handle and the dog corrected your child for non-socially allowed behavior"

Client "no, for years they were fine, the are pack mates, I don't understand why my dog attacked my child"
Trainer "your dog was warning you and your child for years, months, days, minutes, and seconds before the bite. Your dog was begging you for intervention and communicating the only way it knows how for your child to stop. Your dog was ignored! The warnings where ignored! Your child continued to provoke your dog, you did nothing, and the dog was forced to correct the child. You failed your dog."

Client "can this be fixed"
Trainer "yes, but you will also need to correct, educate, and fix your child. You will need to change almost everything in your home and while creating boundaries for your dog - ALSO create boundaries for your child.

Client "wait - we have to change something. Just fix the dog and teach it to ignore our child"
Trainer "but your child is in the dogs face, pulling its tail, teasing it with food, and running around screaming. How can the dog ignore that?"

Client "so you can't fix my dogs behavior?"
Trainer "not until we address the dogs environment and surroundings. We can train your dog for a year, but the environment will over ride training if you do not address the children etc."

Client "well another trainer promised me that they can do a couple lessons at my house and it will fix everything. So you guys must not know what your doing. My child is not the issue and deserves to be able to play with my dog like a brother."
Trainer "have a wonderful afternoon. We will still be here when it falls apart."

3 months later

Client "hello. Can you help. Our child has now been attacked and severally injured. We don't know what to do."
Trainer "🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️"

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