Jesus' Final Week According to All Four Gospels - Part Eight

2 years ago

The 12th day of the Jewish month of Abib, continued

Note: Click the links below for downloadable PDF files for you to read along.

Jesus' final week according to the four gospels:

Scriptures for reading:


* It would be foolish to deny that there is some pleasure in sin and that some things in this world are magnificent.

* But while the author of Hebrews, and Jesus, and others acknowledged that there are pleasures in sin, they also understood that sin's pleasures do not last.

* The first thing Jesus gave as a sign that the world had begun its arduous journey to the end of this age was the rise of a special kind of deceivers.

* These deceivers were successful mainly because of two things:
(1) They promoted and justified their religion by using Jesus' name.
(2) They obtained the political might to impose their religion on the world.

* There is a difference between using Jesus' name and walking in his name, that is, walking in the Spirit.

* If you are walking in the Spirit, you are not using Jesus' name; his name is using you!

* Nothing can deceive the person who keeps his conscience clear.

* . . . and you will always have a clear conscience if you are faithful to what you know is true, and if you treat people right.

* We all have experienced frustration and disappointment with life. But let us never forget that no matter what, our heavenly Father is supremely good and wise, and that He is working all things together for our good.

* The thought of Jesus coming again, not to suffer this time, but to take over and set things right forever, is a very great comfort.

* That hope is a comfort to us in a world where doing good is rewarded with slander and hatred, and doing evil is rewarded with popularity and success.

* "With your patience, win your souls" (Luke 21:19)! He who endures to the end, the same will be saved" (Mat. 24:13).

* Question: What is Jesus talking about enduring?

* Answer: God's decisions about your life.

* The number one person you must learn to have patience with is God.
Number two is Jesus, who represents the Father perfectly.
Number three is whoever most perfectly represents Jesus.

* Nobody but the pure in heart can be faithful through the hard things in this life that God and Jesus will certainly put us through.

* It is absolutely true that something good is going to happen to you in this life.

* But is is just as true that something bad is going to happen to you in this life, too.

* You can't find a godly person in the Bible that bad things didn't happen to. And it seems that the more righteous they were, the worse things got for them.

* You need to know that and prepare your heart for it so that you will overcome it.

* Jesus hated every agonizing pain he suffered, but he would gladly suffer them all again, many times over, to be where he is today.

* Let us live so that we can be with him and share in his joy. If we do, when this life is over, we would be willing to go through it all again, gladly, just to be where we are then.

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