Justin Trudeau Threatens The CHILDREN Of The Truckers | #FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedom

2 years ago

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The province of Ontario, at the behest of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, declared a state of emergency. They have threatened the truckers and other protesters who are...protesting with arrest and "other measures". Trudeau even went as far to send veiled threats to the truckers families and children.

Trudeau also addressed that Canadian banks would be "monitoring accounts and taking action". He basically is conspiring with banks to steal more money, just like he did with GoFundMe.

Trudeau has openly admired China and their dictatorship, so this type of action should come as no surprise, despite how disappointing it may be.
It is hard to get freedom and free of mandates when the Prime Minister openly walks away from any type of questions in which he does not want to hear because they question his authoritarian measures.


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