Prophetic Warning About Distractions

3 years ago

I hear the Lord saying do not be distracted! There are many things to take your attention away from me.
Stay vigilant in prayer, fasting, worship and intercession!
America, my Eagle, stay focused in prayer on the 2020 presidential election fraud exposure and audits of all 50 states, the case regarding my servant reporter Julian Asange, and prepare yourselves and your families for about one month."
Here's a short list the Lord has shown me for 1 month prep. Please do your own research into disaster prep and most of all seek the Lord's Wisdom as you do...
Food, water, medications, supplements, diapers, offline kid's entertainment and educational materials, pet food/supplies, am radio, flashlights, warm clothes/blankets, batteries, etc. (See my previous prophetic warning from a few Sundays ago.)

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