11/05/21 Fri. AP Smears Kyle! Michael Eric Dyson Is Evil.

3 years ago

Corrupt establishment gunning for Kyle! Messy Michael Eric Dyson's Entertaining Race. Which jurors are fairer?
0:00:00 Fri, Nov 5, 2021
0:01:27 Hey, guys!
0:03:34 Kyle smeared
0:21:02 Chuck BANNED!
0:26:34 Dan, TN
0:27:41 Super: Lin Yen criticism!
0:32:28 Jeffrey, WI
0:36:54 Kenosha Mayor
0:49:16 John, KY
1:00:06 "Sex Is Dead"
1:11:42 Rick, ME
1:14:07 Michael Eric Dyson
1:24:53 White jurors, black jurors
1:27:54 Joe, OR
1:49:29 BGTG
1:55:42 Super Chats
1:56:21 "Disappear"

The Hake Report, Friday, November 5, 2021: Far-left AP smears Kyle Rittenhouse // Juror dismissed for joke about BLM suspect Jacob Blake // Kenosha's Armenian Democrat Mayor John Antaramian and family want to scapegoat Kyle? // Rev. Dr. Michael Eric Dyson (whom JLP's debated) says white parents shouldn't ban CRT from schools because they're oppressors. // Dyson calls black Republican politicians puppets of white supremacy. // SOME INTERESTING CALLS — see below! //

MUSIC: Suffering and the Hideous Thieves – "Sex is Dead" and "Disappear" – from 2002 album Real Panic Formed, on Velvet Blue Music //

Chuck from Detroit, MI cusses and gets himself banned!
Dan from Tennessee appreciates Hake's show and the entertaining haters.
Jeffrey from Wisconsin drove a box truck from IL to WI; James talks about Kyle.
John from Kentucky mocks James and Jesse's Christianity and Kyle Rittenhouse!
Rick from Maine addresses Chuck's attacks on peaceful white Capitol protesters.
Joe from Oregon "never believed in God" because he can't see proof or logic.
BGTG from Los Angeles, CA talks about immigrants not teaching their countrymen better.

Also check out Hake News from today.

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2021/11/5/110521-fri-ap-smears-kyle-michael-eric-dyson-is-evil

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James reads Hake News on The Jesse Lee Peterson Show where he is also an expert. He produces Church for Jesse's nonprofit, BOND, dedicated to "Rebuilding the Family by Rebuilding the Man." http://rebuildingtheman.com | http://jesseleepeterson.com

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