Beth’s News, Biden - Hide SECRET Report on Dominion, 3790

2 years ago


15-Year-Old Kid is Fighting For His Life After Collapsing During a Basketball Game
I have seen this headline or one like it too many times for this to be normal. This is NOT normal.
We talked earlier about a 6 yo girl hospitalized from a vaccine injury
Earlier this week, TGP has reported about a 15-year-old high school basketball player from Alto, Texas, and a 17-year-old basketball player in Chicago, Illinois both died on Tuesday night after collapsing during a basketball game.

Let’s watch this short clip of the report on this case.

Bill, there are so many things that bother me about this story, this is heartbreaking and so unnecessary. You and I grew up in the era of no seatbelts or car seats in cars, no helmets for bike riding, no knee pads, shoulder pads elbow pads to our own children grew up with all those protections. And yet here we are today seeing the evidence of great harm to children, not just from the vaccines and btw I would love someone to tell me how many of these young athletes were unvaccinated, no one will. I am willing to bet that almost if not all of these kids were vaccinated and unless they can come up with an actual number of kids collapsing on the courts, fields etc. unvaccinated they need to stop saying it is not due to the vaccines. Anyone who dares to speak out about this is shut down and silenced.
In my mind all of this is the same fight, censorship is just part of this same fight. Shutting people down, and silencing them.
We have all seen the videos of celebrities and govt’ officials telling us to wear masks but they are caught not doing so. Are they all able to hold their breath for long periods of time? Do they really think no one will care? These are the same people who think we care about every word out of their mouths virtue signaling all over the place and yet they are insulted when we point out that they are not following their own edicts.
Ontario is the latest province in Canada to roll back the mandates

and the DC Mayor Bowser is partially rolling back the mandates for most people – but not the children who have suffered most from this edict.

Just today on the Buck Sexton Clay Travis show they were discussing the fact that the left has a new twist to their narrative about the Truckers in Canada and that is they are pointing out the fact that “many of these right wing groups are using the f word” The F word turns out to be Freedom, they are using the word freedom. It is not unlike the targeting of groups applying for a 501(C) 3 – as a nonprofit with the IRS, the IRS targeted any group using Patriot in their title. This is what they do they vilify certain words and try to convince you that if you prefer white bread you are racist.
The 2020 Elections

This is the same fight, it is all part of a larger strategy, you mentioned in our last video that the Anti Trucker protesters sounded a lot like the BLM groups, but what ended up being edited was your explanation of how this is an old tactic you had seen before, would you talk about that?
That is the advantage of having lived a long time, nothing is new under the sun, they just keep replaying the old game with a different twist.
Getting back to the 2020 Elections – On the dominion machines, we all know Mark Zuckerberg paid for the dominion machines for the 2020 elections. Prior to this there is video tape of Elizabeth Warren and others saying that Dominion machines are not to be trusted as the votes can be changed. Funny how that narrative changed with 2020. But do you remember that they spent a lot of time explaining that they could not access the internet and the votes were safe and fair. Well, then why are they fighting turning over the hard rives from these machines? It is because they say that this will expose them to hackers who may, get this GO IN AND CHANGE THE VOTE TALLIES. Something that they said was impossible to do is the very thing they are saying they are afraid will happen.
Bill Binney said that the NSA has all the data, can prove the election was stolen, so why won’t they? It seems to me that foreign and or domestic entities hacking into our voting machines for the purposes of changing the elections would be a matter of national security. Look at what we have now a so-called President who is himself the very definition of corruption. He is clearly compromised, extremely vulnerable to blackmail selling out our national interests. Are we to believe that every single gov’t entity is corrupt? Is that where we are?
Having said what we have in today’s show we will not be able to post this on YouTube, Facebook or twitter, and so We don our protest to that group.
I am Beth Still Reporting, and that’s all I have to say about that.

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