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REP. GUY: EXPOSE The Administrative State

2 years ago

Guy Reschenthaler is a Congressman who knows how to take on the corruption in Washington. What Durham Revelation tells Republicans is that the cry for collusion was completely fabricated for the Left's personal benefit. Guy re-asserts they must challenge the administrative and start the trials.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • May the trials, tribunals, and executions come soon. I pray the Lord will allow me to live long enough to see real justice done in this Country once again, before he takes me. Don`t be shocked at the possibility of a couple of hundred people that will be tried, and a percentage executed. We need to send a message that is crystal clear, and very loud, and absolutely nothing sends a message any better than seeing politicians, and Federal employees convicted of treason, and sedition, swinging by their necks, dead. This level of treason, attempted coup of a duly elected sitting President, the deep corruption of out Agencies, and MSM, must NEVER happen again in this Country.

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