Benefits of calabash

3 years ago

Calabash is a fruit native to Africa and India, but it can also grow in the Caribbean. It’s used for cooking, but also as medicine. It can be eaten raw or cooked. It's associated with many health benefits, including acting as an anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial agent. Learn about all 10 types of calabash that are available today!
Types of calabash
Calabash are originally from Africa. The shape is unique to African calabash which is an elongated, oval shape with a long neck. Farmers would use it as a type of bath pot to carry water. Calabash was also used for washing clothes. It has now become an artistic piece. There are many types of calabash that includes African calabash, Lebanese calabash, and Moroccan calabash.
Benefits of calabash
Calabash is a type of gourd that is used as a container for food and drink. It was once a water-resistant material that lasted for a long time. People also used calabash as dinnerware because it was easy to store food in them without it spoiling quickly. These days, calabash is more of an ornamental material or decoration because it is weaker and can easily break if dropped on the ground.
How many types of calabash are there?
Most of the calabash bowls and gourds we see today are from the species Lagenaria siceraria. There are many types of calabash – more than 10 – and they vary based on their size, shape, and skin features.
Calabash is a variety of gourd with a thick, tough, and very durable rind that can be dried for storage. It is widely used in the making of soup bowls and in the West Indies in the making of maracas.
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