3 Days Before the Beijing Olympics, New York Man’s Mother Was Arrested for Her Faith, Again

3 years ago

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On Wednesday, Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) issued a statement in which he highlighted the human rights abuses happening right now in China—and within that statement, Scott highlighted the case of a woman named Ji Yunzhi:

“Three days before the opening of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, Ji Yunzhi, a Falun Gong practitioner, was arrested for simply practicing her religion and is now being held at Inner Mongolia’s Balin Zuoqi Detention Center. Chinese police have been following and persecuting Ji Yunzhi since 1999, and she has been forced into forced labor camps and tortured in 2001 and 2008. Ji Yunzhi is currently on a hunger strike to protest her detention, and authorities aren’t allowing her family to visit her.”

Ji’s story highlights many of the concerns people have raised regarding the Beijing Olympics, because not only was she arrested three days ahead of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, but back during the 2008 Olympics (also held in Beijing) Ji was likewise arrested and sentenced to several years of forced labor.


As Scott mentioned, she is a practitioner of a meditation practice called Falun Gong.

Falun Gong is a spiritual, meditation discipline that’s centered in moral teachings based on truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance—but it has been brutally persecuted by the Chinese communist regime for the past two decades.

And so, since 1999, adherents within China have been deemed enemies of the state; they’ve been thrown into prisons, labor camps, brainwashing centers, and many of them have been tortured, raped, and sentenced to do forced labor (in many instances, creating products for international export).

However, amid all this, there are people like Ji who continue to print materials, hand them out to people, try to wake people up to the realities of what’s happening, and clarify the truth regarding the communist propaganda.

Fortunately, we were able to find Ji’s son, who is an architect here in America named Simon, and we had a chance to ask him about what exactly is happening to his mother behind the scenes at the Olympics.

This is his story.

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#BeijingOlympics #FalunGong #HumanRights

3 Days Before the Beijing Olympics, New York Man’s Mother Was Arrested for Her Faith, Again | Facts Matter
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