Trudeau Liberals Covering-up for Residential School Horrors

2 years ago

Trudeau and his liberal government does not care about First Nations, Just Their Votes.
Their words and actions repeatedly contradict one another. They are saying one thing publicly, but doing the exact opposite off camera. leaving a trail of broken promises.
Trudeau is trying to deflect all the blame on to the Church, But it was also Canada's Liberal party, (The Pierre Trudeau Liberal Government), that took over the residential schools in the late 60's.
It is Now this Trudeau Liberal Government that is defending & covering up the torture , rape and murders that took place at these residential schools.
Trudeau & his party are fighting against the St. Anne residential school survivors in court, They are refusing to release thousands and thousands of documents to protect the abuses committed by people like Father Jules Leguerrier, Father Arthur Lavoie (a notorious criminal pedophile), Sister Anna Wesley +More.
These Liberal have broken and failed to live up to the commitments he made to First Nations since took office.
Stop believing Justin Trudeau and his Liberals Stand for First Nations. They Don't!!

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