After 7 Months Running Her Online Business, Franz Went From Working 16 Hours A Day To 2 Hours A Day

2 years ago

Hi, I'm Darren and I'm here with Franz today to talk about her online business. So Franz, when did you start your business?

Hi everyone, so I started my online business on July 27, 2018, it's almost 22 months now.

Yeah almost two years.

And what's your favorite thing about this business?

My favorite thing about this business, is the community. I met like so many people all over the world, and also the training. It's step by step. I'm not computer expert, but because of this training, I learned so much. And I just follow the training, step by step. And also when I started this business, I only like spend 30 minutes a day, because that's all I have. I was juggling two jobs, 16 hours a day and sometimes I got home like 11 p.m.

Are you still working both jobs?

Seven months in the business, I was able to quit my full-time job, and from 16 hours, now down to two hours. So sometimes, I'm giving away my hours if they need me, they will call me. Now, I have time for my business or my family. And I'm earning online, thank you so much.

That's amazing, well my next question is, you know, how is your, I mean you already said how your life is changed, but that's what I was going to ask you, how has your life changed in the last couple of years?

Life's actually Darren, I don't have early morning alarm clock right now, I manage my time, I had my full time for my daughter's specialty. Yeah my biggest why before is, I just wanna change my lifestyle. It's like from 7:00 a.m. to 11 p.m. I worked 16 hours, I don't see my daughter, I cannot attend her tournaments for school activities, now I have this time. Yeah, seven months into the business, I was able to quit my job, and then not only that I was able to save money to pay debts, I'm so happy. I was able to invest for our early retirement. Thank you so much.

Welcome, you know that's amazing, and thank you for sharing that with me today, I really appreciate your time.

Thanks Darren, Thank you also Mike
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