2 years ago

SHORT VERSION EXAMPLE: if you were to grab one of the flat magnets on your refrigerator and try to see how well it blocked EMF radiation, you’d probably come out of the experiment disappointed. That’s because your regular refrigerator magnets can’t block EMF signals. Some of these cheap little magnets will do more to attract EMF to you than repel it. Since most refrigerator magnets are made cheaply and feature materials like rubber and plastic, they simply aren’t strong enough to prevent EMF radiation ---

LONG VERSION THE MAGNETS ARE NOT WORKING? ⁣I have an answer from the person who made the original video - Keep in mind that a “magnet” isn’t material in its own right. Instead, when referring to magnets, we mean anything that’s been magnetized.

Many different metals can be magnetized, like cobalt and iron. Most “magnets” that are used for blocking EMF radiation are actually magnetized metals of some sort.

Some elements are “ferromagnetic” when it comes to the earth’s metals, like a lodestone. Ferromagnetic means that these materials don’t totally keep the EMF radiation out; instead, they reduce the strength of the EMF radiation. That’s because as the EMF radiation passes through or nears the ferromagnetic element, it experiences a gradual loss of its force.

So, while it may be difficult for metals and magnets to block EMF radiation entirely, they can decrease the effectiveness of the EMF radiation.

To give you an example of how this works, think about how the walls that surround your room help to keep out sound, but cannot block it. That’s comparable to how ferromagnetic materials act on EMF radiation, reducing its potency without completely blocking out the EMF radiation.

⁣Since not all magnets are necessarily capable of blocking or reducing EMF radiation, it’s essential to focus on the magnetized metals that do work well at this capacity, and how well they handle EMF radiation. For instance, a thick piece of iron alone can nearly block all parts of EMF radiation. We can magnetize the iron to make a magnet that blocks EMF radiation.

However, even if we magnetized the iron, nothing about the magnetization process would increase or decrease the iron’s ability to block the EMF radiation. Instead, the iron will continue to block EMF radiation, whether it’s a magnet or not.

⁣For example, if you were to grab one of the flat magnets on your refrigerator and try to see how well it blocked EMF radiation, you’d probably come out of the experiment disappointed. That’s because your regular refrigerator magnets can’t block EMF signals. Some of these cheap little magnets will do more to attract EMF to you than repel it.

Since most refrigerator magnets are made cheaply and feature materials like rubber and plastic, they simply aren’t strong enough to prevent EMF radiation exposure. Refrigerator magnets are quite weak as far as magnets go. That’s because refrigerator magnets use: magnetized iron shavings AND OR rubber compounds CREDITS : KOOPA TASTIC / FREEDOM SOULJAH ⁣https://t.me/btfreedomsouljah

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