#12 The Fall of Man I - Eden to Zion Series

3 years ago

Time Stamps:
0:00 Introduction to Genesis 3
2:19 Satan Manifests as the Serpent
11:00 The Dialogue between the Serpent and the Woman
28:13 The Woman Eat
33:27 Adam Eat
36:18 Connection with Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14
42:35 Adam Failed
46:51 The Immediate Result and Cover-up
53:21 They Heard the Sound of the LORD
59:51 The Inquest
1:06:13 Promise in Judgement
1:07:51 Judgement on the Serpent
1:08:31 Genesis 3:14
1:17:57 Genesis 3:15
1:40:36 Judgement on the Woman
1:50:11 Wrapping up

Hello, I’m Stephen Buckley, and we’re in a series working our way through the grand narrative of the Bible, from Eden to Zion, in which you will build a biblical worldview, to function by as a Christian and mature in your relationship with Christ Jesus.
Having taken a substantial detour since chapter 2 of Genesis, to step back and develop in our understanding of the aspects that make up the biblical worldview – God’s law and order, the canvas of existence or what we call the field of play with its historical and eschatological narrative, and the players or characters that are active within – so that we can understand who the Creator God is, how he has designed and established his universe, his boundaries, how we are interact with others and so forth… and today we are turning to Genesis 3, the pivotal moment in the history of man, up until the cross.
Understand what took place in the garden, and you better understand the questions of suffering, temptation, judgement, the devil’s schemes, the nature of man, the foundation of the gospel, and you blame God less for your own circumstance.
Such is the significance of what took place, this will be the first part, with part 2 shortly after. We’re going to be patient with the text and let the questions and answers soak in and simmer.

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