Retired Canadian Officer asks Police to stand down

2 years ago

Ed Grenier, a Retired Officer from OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) of 33 years who attended the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa last weekend and will attend this weekend with his family, asks police to stand down.

The words: “I was just following orders” historically has never been an accepted defence. The people at this protest are your neighbours, their children, and their grandparents. Stand down and tell your supervisor that you will not take violent action against peaceful people – no matter who gives the order.

Our capacity to feed our families is gone if you disagree with the government. This tyranny has been enforced under the guise of “big brother knows best”. Politicians are drunk with power and authority. They create these laws and routinely break them without consequence. They have purposefully promoted fear and intimidation and division in our communities. They have demonized and weaponized neighbour and against neighbour. Any citizen with a voice that speaks out against Big Brother and their draconian laws is characterized as radical.

The state-funded media has lost any and all credibility with the people of Canada and the world.

For police officers in uniform, your country needs you now, show them why you became a police officer. A rally is NOT a threat to public safety. Remember this, you are not required to follow an unlawful order, no matter who issues that order. Look into your conscience, do NOT be liable for this or any other action against our peaceful citizens.

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