Joshua Justice SRF @ MSR Cresson Polar Prix 2022 race 1: first ever race.

2 years ago

This was my first ever race. Freezing cold temperatures, my Smartycam wasn't working, so I borrowed a GoPro, which it turned out was a terrible idea because it's not aerodynamic in the least and it turns out at 110+ miles an hour it really hurts the neck to wear a helmetcam for that long. So, there won't be a video upload for race #2, which is a shame as we got the setup more dialed in and I did a lot better that day, actually setting a personal best lap.

The Polar Prix lived up to its name this year, with freezing cold temperatures during morning qualifying and the race being held just after noon in slightly warmer temperatures. I'll be sure to wear more layers next year!

My goal for race 1 was to stay on the lead lap, which I did... barely. Finished 10th out of 12. Race 2 I finished 8th out of 12, but no video for that unfortunately. Next year's Polar Prix should be quite competitive, and hopefully the camera woes will be sorted out well before then.


If you are interested in sponsoring Joshua Justice for an upcoming race, you can reach him at his firstname+lastname at ProtonMail dot com.

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