Brad Hazzard & Kerry Chant

2 years ago

From June 2021

NSW government and Kerry Chant grilled on handling of Delta outbreak


(Excerpt from 7.30 - 17th June)

LEIGH SALES, PRESENTER: Do you reckon that the audience would buy that an unvaccinated driver picking up an infection from an international flight crew is an unknown unknown.

BRAD HAZZARD, NSW HEALTH MINISTER: Well, I just said it was but I think the issue is ...

LEIGH SALES: But how can that be? How can that be?

BRAD HAZZARD: Well, it was.

(End of excerpt)

PENNY SHARP, LABOR: On what date specifically was the advice first provided to the Health Minister on locking down?

BRAD HAZZARD: That is not that easy, Ms Sharp.

DAVID SHOEBRIDGE, GREENS: The question was put to Dr Chant and I wish, and I think it is right that we get an answer from Dr Chant.

BRAD HAZZARD: We have volunteered to come here.

DAVID SHOEBRIDGE: The question was put to Dr Chant.

BRAD HAZZARD: Actually I will answer the question that I'm now talking about, thank you. It's not up to you to determine who is going to answer the questions. I'm the minister.

DR KERRY CHANT, NSW CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER: I think with the benefit of hindsight, there are different decisions that can be made.

Clearly the Delta variant behaved very differently to the other variants.

DAVID SHOEBRIDGE: But Dr Chant, that wasn't new information. We had that experience and that knowledge from the UK in particular, from India. Surely that should have been the decision making, fed into the decision making ...

BRAD HAZZARD: You're challenging Dr Chant's advice and that's not appropriate.

We are in the middle of a pandemic. You are holding us up here while we should be doing the work we need to do. The question is out of order and wrong.

KERRY CHANT: So could I perhaps clarify...

BRAD HAZZARD: And a waste of time. I actually thought it was a ridiculous proposition in the middle of a pandemic to take away the Chief Health Officer who is working 18 hours a day and sometimes longer to do what we are doing.

But we have done it and we agreed to one hour. That deal has been broken. So at this stage if you have any further questions, you address those to the Premier.

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