3 years ago

Court of PUBLIC Opinion - Session Two of Grand Jury proceeding.

Historical Background of COVID-19 - DAY Two of LIVE International Grand Jury proceeding which began on February 5th, 2022

This Grand Jury consists of an International group of lawyers to hear whistleblower witness and experts in their field exposing the COVID-19 as a PLANdemic of epic proportions.

Alex Thompson and Brian Garish former employees of British Secret service along with Debbie Evans exposed the background that brought us to the COVID pandemic, real power center behind everything that is happening is connected to a criminal financial mafia spanning the globe in terrorism and world trafficking. This financial mafia is run by a small group of families through criminal originations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation who is using health care as a crow bar to push their own agenda. From 5th column to Wall Street in players such as Klaus Schwab have been breed through global leader programs to infiltrate, divide, and promote a Globalist reset by leveraging the London Financial Markets in manipulations of both LIBOR and ISDAfix index to control the worlds currency through the Central Banking industry.

These brave whistleblowers are providing documentation, facts and proof of who these global elite Anglo American world dominance mongers are who are trying to move us into the Great reset and a New World Order Communist Social Credit System and one world control. US retired Army and Ex Doctors of WHO Whistleblowers share how the UN has taken control over these organizations to implement a premeditated artificially created pandemic.

These proceedings are now being translated in multiple languages for international distribution. This is a downloaded stream from where we will be continuing to publish on this site to support its distribution and to help raise awareness of these crimes against humanity as things progress.

As these proceedings move forward, you will hear whistleblowers from all over the world presenting the underlying intent of this "Pandemic", you will see outright crimes against humanity, and you will be given this as a usable documentary to share in your local schools, work, governments and court lawsuits and we will be showing you how these proceedings tie into the central banking sector. These BAD ACTORS might have begun this tyranny, but it is "WE THE PEOPLE" across the world, who are collectively ending this tyranny worldwide.

Remember be prepared, stay vigilant, and keep up your health...

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