Ep. 40 A Warriors Voice with Trooper Alex Douglass of OEW

2 years ago

First off thank you to the sponsors of this episode, Denney Law Group, Triarc Systems and Tachuntfish. Links to all businesses can be found below. And of course a big Thank you to Texas Gun Experience for having us out.

We wish the shooting of Officers was an uncommon event but in a common world of evil that is just not the case. In episode 40 we sit down with Operation Enduring Warrior Honoree Alex Douglass. A Pennsylvania State Trooper who ambushed by a sniper lying in wait. Ultimately that grave night Douglass survived while his partner Cpl Dickson II was killed by the same sniper. And yes the shooting of officers is not uncommon but what is, is the outlook these brave warriors face in the after math of their own certain death. Aside from being shot he was later faced with the amputation due to damage by the 308 caliber round. So once again he was faced with a decision and an obstacle to overcome. And to say he has overcome it leaps in bounds is an understatement.

Don't forget to tune into our video channel on Youtube.

Thank you to our sponsors again:




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