Notice to Compel Performance - WA Police served secondary documents

3 years ago

Carol from PLD INTERNATIONAL (Practical Lawful Dissent) serves Western Australia Police with the second document “Notice to Compel Performance”

Monday February 7th 2022

Western Australian Police have been served with the follow up document 7 days after the original document was served. This secondary document is a “Notice to Compel Performance” as evidence of treason was previously submitted with the WA Police. The people can now request how this investigation process is progressing.

It’s good to see that the WA Police force are there for everybody’s convenience and not just there to enforce government policies.

#australia #police #article61 #perth #westernaustralia #pldinternational #noticetocompelperformance #northbridge #1215magnacarta #article61 #ruleoflaw #treason #evidence #endthemandates #magnacarta

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