Navigating the simulated reality and the traps of the matrix, looking back on the path

2 years ago

I discuss the context of breaking through some of the layers of programming and the way handlers influence us all around. There are many attempts to control our lives and the people we relate to. Doubts and insinuations are easily inserted and the program has many sneaky ways to influence our minds. Our consciousness is used during our dreamtime activity (this reveals even further our involvement in covert projects). Integrating information is taking us on a wild road. It took me a while to acknowledge that I have episodes of amnesia (26-27 years old) that I did not question much when they happened. We are programmed to not even question or not to ask ourselves the needed questions.

I find it necessary to get rid of certain objects that cause micro-triggers or that we were led to acquire because they are cursed. I address the non player character topic and how we will experience a sense of emptiness in their company. They will never be able to see us and validate us. With real fire creation beings, there is no roof to what we can explore! How we feel in their company can indicate who we are dealing with.

In October 2019, I joined a training for plant ceremonialist in Bali (it was my third time in Bali and all experiences had to do with mind control) and describe how my consciousness was used in a covert project I had no idea to participate to (consciously). This is a good reminder about how we are signing agreements unconsciously and are being used and deceived in the smallest details of our lives.

In March 2018 I started cellular detoxification because of my receiding gums and a high level of acidity that is uncomfortable to live with. Food is our main addiction (I approach meat, coffee and cheese addictions). Smell is triggering in itself. I now bring others into this process which has been proving its success by the amount of waste we see exiting the body.

I talk about sexual predators in the scene of breatharianism and how reals are often overwhelmed making it through the end of the day and not always aware of their psychic gifts. Every real has something unique to offer to this reality and each is full of surprise.

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